July 29, 1934

The past few weeks have been marked by Beano at the Hitension Picnic; peanuts and other diversions.

Yesterday Jack's downfall occurred. I was sitting in my room writing to Laurel, and paid little attention to some whimpers in the back yard, til they developed into a distressing cry of pain, which I recognized as Jack's. The lad had been astradle of the top of the tire suspended from a tree, spinning, and swinging. The half inch rope, substantial enough, sawed itself in two at the slip knot where it was attached to the limb; and down he came (about a six foot drop to the hard ground) landing flat on his back, his head taking the brunt of the fall. Steve Buck reached him before I did, and one look convinced me of a broken back. Got Dr. Fuller immediately, while Steve carried him indoors after examining him for broken limbs. The lad never knew what happened. By some miracle no bones were broken, and first examination showed all reflexes normal, a severe shock, and a mean bump on the cranium. He was "out" about five minutes. What a relief when the second examination in the afternoon showed no symptoms of concussion or spinal injury. The shock produced continued nausea all through the night, but he retained food this morning. The bump produced some congestion, and the surges of head pain are the main concern in relief today. Now expect gradual improvement to normalcy in a few days. The lad has been an excellent patient. Strained my own back lifting him from the davenport; so couldn't impose Sloan's stench on the Congregational Church service with Mrs. Heller this morning.

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