Golden Valley Entrance


From Golden Valley gate.

October - November - December, 2009

     It appears that there may have been a glitch in the continuity of this web site.  Actually a combination of events occurred which will remain unexplained.  On closer observation no meaningful comments or observations were lost, however.

     The Christmas party committee in the meantime was very hard at work making plans and preparations.  The following pictures but scratch the surface of a great evening that was made possible by the result of their efforts.

Would you like your picture taken?



Everyone had the opportunity to have their picture taken.

Master pitchman.



Someone had to hawk the drawing tickets.

A choice of many great prizes.



 Which prize would you like to win?

Imagine two tables piled high with delicious food.




The food began to arrive, provided by the best chefs in the state.

Getting prepared  for the merriment.



 There was much to reflect on and discuss.

Who has the winning ticket?




The drawing fever intensifies.

Before the feast.



One of many tables lined with neighbors enjoying the evening.

First snow - Sunday, Dec 13th


With memories of the previous night's party on everyone's
mind, the next day brought Golden Valley its first snowfall. 
May all the snow this winter be as beautiful and light.   




September 2009
January February 2010
Golden Valley Main Page

